Shifting Gears from Weight Loss to Weight Maintenance

Whether you’re reading this because you’ve reached your goal weight or because you’re getting close—congratulations on your success! Now you’re ready to make the shift from weight loss to weight maintenance, but wondering where to begin. What you’ll find out is that there are quite a few things you’ll need to think about to make this transition a successful one.

Some of them are pretty simple and straightforward, like recalculating your calorie needs range and setting up reasonable exercise goals that are focused more on fitness and fun than calorie burning. Some may prove to be a little more complex—like coming up with new goals, directions, and sources of motivation that will help you keep your healthy lifestyle on track. And some of the things you may need to think about are likely to be quite unexpected and surprising.

If you’re like me, you may discover that, along with solving a lot of problems for you, getting healthier and losing the weight has given you a lot of new options and possibilities that you never expected to have—some of which are as terrifying as they are exciting! Or maybe it will dawn on you that your new lifestyle has also had some pretty big effects on your relationships, some of which may need some attention or changing if you want to maintain what you’ve accomplished and keep moving your life forward.

Whatever particular challenges this transition presents for you, you can be sure that this new stage of your journey is going to be very interesting. Many people manage to get where you are now, very few manage to maintain that success, and much less keep moving ahead. What will determine your success is how well you identify the particular challenges you face and find effective ways to manage them.

The good news is that you already have most of the tools, information, and support you’re going to need to maintain your success. It’s all right here at SparkPeople! And if you’ve gotten this far, you already know how to use these tools effectively. You’ll just need to shift your approach a little. Use our Weight Maintenance Lifestyle Center to find the information, support and tips you need.

Get ready to maintain your success!