''I'm Beginning a New Journey Now''

Christina (CFOSTER1966) lost 97 pounds and says she started this journey to become healthier and to ward off the complications that come with obesity. She has maintained her weight loss for the past 18 months. Find out how she did it!

Christina Before Christina After

What were some of the challenges you faced when you entered into maintenance mode, and what did you do to overcome them?

My biggest challenge was (and still is) learning that I have to eat this way for the rest of my life. Now that I am maintaining, I find myself making excuses to have unplanned free days or meals. I am overcoming this by keeping on top of how I feel when I eat something unplanned and keeping an eye on how my clothes are fitting. So far, I have been able to bounce back fairly quickly and I am finding that it gets easier with time.

Are there any strategies you currently use to help you maintain your weight loss?

I continue vary my calories and exercise regularly. I also still track my food and exercise on the Nutrition and Fitness Trackers. I also have a weight range of 5 pounds. When I am getting close to the upper range, I buckle down and stick with my plan until I reach the lower end of the range.

How has SparkPeople helped you maintain your weight loss?

I didn't find SparkPeople until I was close to my goal weight. But once I found it, I used every resource I could to help me lose the last few pounds and keep them off. I use another program to track my calories but I do use SparkPeople to track my fitness. I really like the Resource Center articles and Message Boards to help keep me on track.

Do you have any advice for someone who's about to reach their goal and enter into maintenance?

Remember to continue with the plan. There really isn't an end to the journey you have been on. It's just the beginning of a new one.