SparkPeople Slideshows

10 Ways to Create a Spa Experience at Home

10 Relaxing Ideas to Turn Any Day into a Spa Day

By Natalie Nichols, Health & Beauty Writer

Face it: We aren't superhuman and we all need a breather sometimes! But between work, the gym and life commitments, it can be difficult to find the time (and cash)for a relaxing day at the spa. However, it's important to take time for yourself in order to live a healthy, balanced life. So, relax. You don't need to give up an entire day or rack up that credit card bill to pamper yourself. Creating your own spa experience can be easy using things you may already have on hand at home. Try these 10 ideas to relax more and stress less.
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Seek Comfort in Candles

Scented wellness candles are used in spas during massages and other body treatments to help relax the mind and body. The good news is that even if yo're in a rush to get to the office or an evening event, simply lining your vanity with some scented candles will help quiet your mind and rejuvenate your spirit. Look for candles that contain essential oils. When lit, this type of candle releases a continuous yet faint scent into the air as it burns. If you're looking to relax, opt for the scent of lavender. Or, reach for a candle with invigorating eucalyptus for a quick burst of energy.