Keep Healthy Snacks Handy

When you're following a healthy eating plan, especially if you're still getting used to it, you may feel more hungry than you're used to feeling. And as you add in more exercise to your life, your calorie needs can increase over time. So how can you manage hunger and energy levels throughout the day and still stay on track--by planning for healthy snacks and making sure they're available whenever you need them. Research shows that small meals spaced evenly throughout the day can help control blood sugar and may even help lower cholesterol.

Discover tons of great snack ideas for all your healthy-eating needs:

30 Days of Healthy Snacks – This calendar offers 30 days of delicious snack ideas.

13 Carb-Controlled Snacks
– If you have diabetes or are watching your carbs, these are great snack ideas for you.

20 Nifty, Nutritious Snacks for Kids – Growing children need lots of nutritious choices throughout the day. Here are 20 that are good enough for you to eat, too.

25 After School Snack Ideas
—Here are even more snacks that are great for everyone from kindergartners to teenagers.

55 Healthy Snacks Under 200 Calories—If you're going to be snacking more than once a day, you need to keep a close eye on the calorie-count to make sure you stay within your range. Here are 55 ideas that won't take you off plan.

Fast & Filling 100 Calorie Snacks—Watch this short video to get great ideas for small snacks that will keep you feeling full.

Movie Theater Snack Attack—It's hard not to want to snack when you go to the movies, but know what you're getting into and plan ahead to prevent overdoing it on calories and fat.

Portable Snacking Tips and Ideas
—When you're on the go, it can be tempting to rely on fast-food when you get hungry. Instead, use these portable snack ideas to stay healthy no matter where you go.

Snacking Healthy
—Learn the difference between healthy planned snacking and grazing, which can derail your eating plan.