SparkPoints and Streaks

SparkPoints and Streaks are both fun and simple ways to stay consistent and motivated!  At SparkPeople, we know from research -- and experience with more than 15 million members -- that consistently reaching small goals one at a time is a great way to reach your most meaningful goals in life. 
This article will give you a brief overview of both of these features.
SparkPoints make reaching small goals one at a time a fun game that keeps you motivated.  You simply earn points for taking actions that help you reach your goals and we keep an ongoing total of your SparkPoints. 
In addition to the summary on the Start page and the Login wheel to spin, you can visit the SparkPoints Detail page.  This page shows the many ways you can earn SparkPoints and is a great way to learn the different areas of the SparkPeople site.  You can earn SparkPoints for just about any activity on the site, including:
·         Using the trackers like the nutrition tracker and fitness tracker
·         Reading articles and watching videos
·         Participating in the SparkPeople community
·         Doing many types of 1-time tasks that help set you up for success
You will receive trophies for each new SparkPoints level you achieve.
Streaks are another fun way to stay motivated.   A streak is simply something that you do every day, week, or month. 
A major reason that streaks work is that each day becomes multiple types of coaching.  Every day your number increases, the increase serves as:
  • An award -- it becomes a fun award seeing your numbers add up and receiving the Streak Awards daily. 
  • An accountability tool – your streak keeps you accountable to yourself (and to others if you share)
  • A motivation coach – each increase is like getting a pat on the back from your coach
Once the days really start adding up, you might be surprised at just how much confidence you build in all areas of life!
In addition to the Streaks summary on your Start page, there are two main pages for Streaks:
Streaks Homepage – on this page, you can:
1. Start a new streak or modify an existing one
2. See details of your current streaks
Streaks Award & Share page – on this page, you can:
1. View your daily Streak Awards for motivation (congrats!)
2. Customize your Awards by selecting the background image
3. Share your Awards on Facebook and Pinterest to both celebrate and motivate your friends
4. Save your Awards to your SparkPage
In addition, for certain “Milestone Days”, you will receive a special Streak Award that pops-up on your Start page.
With this combination, SparkPoints act as a motivator for each small activity and Streaks give you awards and motivation each day as your numbers increase.  This is all part of the SparkPeople goal to make it fun to reach your goals.
Streaks were the top strategy I used to reach my goals that led me to start SparkPeople. If you’d like to learn more about streaks, here is a free Mini-Book with more information.
Have fun reaching your goals!
Chris “SparkGuy” Downie