Yesterday was the last day of my first year on SparkPeople. Today is another day, and the beginning of the next chapter of my journey. Last night, I decided that I needed to stop and reflect on everything that has happened. And I gave a special person a call. I called my former self, Anne of 2009 and before. I just wanted to let her know a few things.![]() I started by telling her that she DOES have what it takes to do whatever she wants. That she CAN say what she wants to weigh out loud, instead of fearing it because she doesn't want to fail. I told her that though she WILL fail this year, she can get back up. It's her choice, and every day is a new chance to make the most out of her life. I told her that she will go above and beyond anything she's ever dreamed of. She didn't know what that meant, because she didn't know how to make goals. I told her she would learn. I told her that she shouldn't be scared of failing. To prove it to her, I told her I ran 6 races in 2010. She didn't really know what that meant either. She couldn't comprehend how far 5K and 10K really was, never mind what a half-marathon was. I told her that it is roughly 30 minutes, 60 minutes and 2 hours respectively. She couldn't believe it. So I sent her some pictures. ![]() ![]() She wondered what had happened to Marc. Had I been starving the poor man? I of course explained that he also decided to get healthy and lost over 50 pounds. Together, we hit 100 pounds lost. She was pretty excited to see future Marc! ![]() ![]() She asked me how I would do that. I told her that she can always rely on her SparkFriends. They are the most amazing group of people, and they will be there day in and day out. I just made sure to let her know that she needs to check in every day, share her own journey with others and follow their advice! She would get so much out of it! ![]() I also told her she would meet some of those friends in real life. She said she didn't believe me because she is way too shy. I told her it was for real. She would develop relationships with these people and really draw from their experiences and journeys. I told her of some of the things she would learn to love: yoga, strength training, running, spinning, fruits, vegetables, etc. I also mentioned that by the end of the year, she would have averaged about 70 minutes of exercise per day, with only 2-3 days of no workouts at all. She laughed in my face a little. I told her she would be wearing a bikini at the beach during her summer vacation and she answered with "SHUT. UP!" Oh, and of course, I didn't forget to add that she would run on the beach in a sports bra and shorts. Oh, yes! And that during that very vacation, she would exercise every single day! I told her that I was actually planning to run a marathon now. She didn't know what the heck I was talking about. I had to explain to her what kind of training and dedication I will need to have. ![]() She said she wants to be me now. She wants to have those long streaks now. She wants to be able to run miles at a time now. She wants her tush to fit into a size 6-8 jeans now. And I understand. But I told her she needs to be patient. She needs to take it one day at a time, one decision at a time. I told her that she just needs to believe in herself. Believe that she is worth it and that she WILL be happy. I, unfortunately, had to go (I got workouts to do and a house to clean, people!), but I think Anne of 2009 got the message. She doesn't know what she's in for, and she doesn't realize the extent to which she will change herself and her life over the course of her first year on Spark--just like I probably don't realize how far I will go by the end of my second year on Spark. The sky is the limit. I hope that all of you, SparkFriends, will continue to share this journey with me. You guys are amazing, and I truly do consider you friends. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart! |