SparkPeople Employees Share Their Motivation to Exercise

Keeping a regular exercise routine can be a challenge. We all get busy, distracted and sometimes a little unmotivated to work out. Like you, the people behind try to live healthy lifestyles and sometimes need help staying  motivated to exercise regularly, too. So how do we stick with it? Employees of SparkPeople were asked how they stay motivated to work out. Here's what some of them had to say.
  • "I focus on consistency rather than duration or intensity. I exercise most days of the week. Sometimes it is just for 20 minutes if that is all the time I have. Also, I find that I am much more motivated by health, like preventing osteoporosis, and being a good example for my children to look up to." -- Rachel, BabyFit resident expert

  • "I try to work out with my 'fitness buddy' somewhat regularly because we try new and different activities that keep things interesting. Also being part of a SparkTeam with challenges makes all the difference for me. I want to keep up with all of my healthy colleagues!" -- Tami, marketing team

  • "I stay motivated by keeping my goals in mind--like staying healthy and in great shape to be able to play with my two boys." -- Chris ("SparkGuy"), founder and CEO

  • "I try to challenge myself with by trying new things whether it is biking, running, or learning to race walk where I can spend time with myself. This helps me realize what does NOT motivate me and what makes want to skip working out and then I can avoid those things." -- Tanya, resident expert

  • "I stay motivated by regularly challenging myself with things (triathlon training, hundred push-ups challenge, improved basketball game, etc.) and working out with friends who help push me!" -- Tim, marketing team

  • "My parents have inspired me to exercise regularly. For as long as I can remember, my mother always started her day with exercise and my father joined her 20 years ago. He lost over 100 pounds and I remember how hard he had to work to turn his health around. Now as they grow older, you’d never know it because of their commitment to health. On a recent bike ride I struggled to keep up with my mom and it motivated me to work harder. My hope is that my motivation to exercise regularly will turn into inspiration for my children." -- Samantha, BabyFit resident expert

  • "Knowing that I am training for an event (such as my upcoming half-marathon) motivates me to exercise. Working out also helps me release stress and negative energy. If I don't work out, I get cranky and turn to food. That's motivation to keep me exercising."-- Stepfanie, content team and certified yoga instructor

  • "Being healthy for my four kids!" -- Josh, tech team

  • "I try to focus on how exercise makes me feel. It's also a great idea to set a goal like completing a race or a special fitness challenge to keep you motivated (and working hard)." -- Nicole, resident expert and certified personal trainer

  • "I just don't like the way I feel when I don't work out, so that motivates me to exercise. Plus it clears my head and helps me be a better husband, father and employee." --Sean, marketing team

  • "I plan my race calendar in January for the runs I want to do and if I can pay in advance, I do so. Having a race to train for is what keeps me motivated even on the busiest days or when life seems to get in the way." -- Nancy, resident expert and certified running coach

  • "My family keeps me motivated. I stay healthy and active so I can keep up with my two daughters and reinforce to them how important it is to make healthy choices in all that they do!" -- Beth, marketing team

  • "Mostly my motivation comes from my workout partners. Wanting to be a good partner to them means keeping at it so we can all keep up. You don't want to slack when you feel like you're all working together to reach new levels of fitness!" -- Paul, tech team

  • "I’m almost 50! OMG! I mentally and physically need this! When I exercise, I have: less PMS, less back pain, less tightness due to stress carried in my lower jaw and across my shoulders, greater creativity, less joint pain, better coordination and balance. This is what keeps me moving!" -- Becky, resident expert and Registered Dietitian

  • "I follow the 10-minute rule and make a commitment to exercise for a minimum of 10 minutes. If I still don’t feel like it, I can stop at 10 minutes. I would say 9 out of 10 times, I actually go beyond the 10-minute commitment and end up feeling great and proud of myself for pushing through it. I make note of how I feel afterwards and want to keep that feeling going. Also, I love to see my SparkStreak continue! It's fun to see the days and weeks add up for this streak!" -- Denise, resident expert

  • "I don’t look at exercise as something I have to do; it’s actually just an excuse to get outside for an hour or a way to clear my head if I’m at the gym." -- Grant, marketing team
The SparkPeople Community can be a great source of support as you work toward your goals. Check out the Message Boards for additional tips and motivation!