When hosting a SparkRally, there are a few things you may want to consider so that your event runs smoothly and successfully for everyone. Here are some ideas that may help. Setting Up a SparkRally Only SparkTeam city leaders have the functionality to create SparkRallies on their Team page. But any Team member can set up a SparkRally using SparkMail and their Team message boards. If you're a Team member who wants to host a SparkRally with added functionality, such as RSVP, you can SparkMail your Team leader to ask if he or she will set up the event (on the SparkTeam page) for you. In this case, the leader should let Team members know (in the "Event Details" section) that you are the host and that they can contact you with questions. Note to SparkTeam Leaders: If another Team member hosts SparkRallies on a regular basis, you may want to consider adding him or her as a co-leader for the Team. Before the SparkRally
After your SparkRally is over, you may want to poll attendees or ask them to post feedback in the "Comments" section of the event. Remember to check back and review these comments prior to hosting your next SparkRally, as there may be some helpful tips you can use to make your next event even better! *SparkRallies are organized and run by members. SparkPeople does not endorse, sponsor or organize these Rallies or other member-organized offline meetings. |