The Buzz on Jazzercise

Jazzercise, created by Judi Sheppard Missett, is the world's leading dance-fitness program. Since 1969, millions of people of all ages and fitness levels have reaped the benefits of this comprehensive program, designed to enhance cardiovascular endurance, strength, and flexibility.

The name says it all.  Participants exercise to the rhythms and beats of current, upbeat music. Jazzercise offers an effective, total-body conditioning program in a group setting (similar to yoga or Spinning). Below are answers to many questions about Jazzercise. If your interest is piqued, check local papers to find out where Jazzercise is offered nearby.

How much does a class cost?
Because individual instructors independently own Jazzercise classes, there is no set rate. You will find that classes cost anywhere from $2 to $7, depending on the number of classes you purchase. Many instructors offer a special rate for new customers on their first purchase. You may pay as you go, or pay month to month.

How does Jazzercise improve your fitness?
  • Develops cardiovascular fitness
  • Increases energy
  • Strengthens and tones muscles
  • Improves flexibility and balance
  • Enhances metabolism
  • Reduces stress
What is a typical class like?
Each Jazzercise class is approximately 60 minutes. Here's how the class flows:
  • A warm-up segment comprised of gentle rhythmic movements and isolations for individual muscle groups
  • An aerobic segment to increase cardiovascular fitness and burn calories
  • An aerobic cool-down segment to reduce heart rate
  • A muscle-toning segment with weights to strengthen the hips, thighs, butt, abdomen, upper torso and arms
  • A final cool-down stretch segment to return the heart rate to normal
What are some Jazzercise exercises?
Here are a few of many:
  • Basic Aerobic Movements
  • Jazz Stretch
  • Attitude Lift
  • Diagonal Toe Touches
  • Flick-Kick
  • Heel Hop
  • Knee Lift
  • Pendulum Lift
  • Hip Rock
  • Power Legs
  • Lunges
  • Plies
  • Rock Lunge
  • Fancy Footwork
  • Jazz Square
  • Kick Ball Change
  • Side-to-Side Movements

To read more about Jazzercise, visit its main Website. Good luck and enjoy!